Monday, August 29, 2016

Life Update Post #2

Hi there friends.

I honestly thought that there would at least be another post or two before I made a second Life Update Post. But alas, here I am, making another one.

In my defense, there has been quite a lot going on.

You may or may not recall me mentioning how I was auditioning to be a Marching Chief. Well, after six full 12-13 hour days of marching, sweating, playing and a little bit of crying, I didn't make the cut. At first, this was devastating to me. But then I considered some of the facts...

1. I am taking 15 credit hours this semester.
2. I would like to have a job.
3. I'm going to want time to myself.
4. I get overwhelmed easily.
5. I have much room to improve on my instrument.

The list could go on and on. But this all made me realize that not being a Marching Chief opened way more doors for me than it did close them. While marching band is one of my passions, I have to admit that it will be a lot easier to live without it in college than it would have been in high school.

As far as my classes/roommates/etc., everything is going fairly well. I'm going back to have regular appointments at the Wellness Center, my trumpet professor seems to be taking to me quite nicely, and my living situation is even better than I anticipated. For the first time in a long time, things are actually going (mostly) according to plan. No complaints here!

Again, I know I always say this, but I apologize for this blog post not being captivating, but I promise that as soon as I find it in my schedule I will sit down and actually plan out some really neat posts for you guys.

Until next time,
 If you are on tumblr, you can follow me here!
Or if you prefer the more comedic content, you can follow me on twitter.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Life Update Post #1

Hi there friends.

My creative juices don't seem to be flowing as of recently, so I thought "Why not just ramble about how my life is going?"

If that's not the sort of thing you care about, then I suggest you find something else to read until I post something new.

To those who stuck around: thank you. You are so cute.

Last Friday was the last day of my first semester of college. The fact that I can even say that statement honestly really blows my mind. I have to say, it was not easy; taking any kind of course in only 6 weeks is bound to be challenging. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be back in Port Saint Lucie, and if you live here you know exactly what I mean. But that's an entirely different blog post in itself.

There have definitely been some ups and downs into being home.

The ups:
-seeing my boyfriend

-seeing some of my friends
-home-cooked meals

The downs
-realizing that all my friends are super successful
-seeing my room turned into an office space/play room 
-having to spend money on gas
-having to spend money
-having to spend money and realizing I'm unemployed
-forced interactions with family members

And honestly, the downs can go on forever. While college presents many unique challenges, at least while I was there I was able to do things at my leisure. At home, I have so many things to think about; my plans for the day, who I'm going to visit and where I'm going to go. I much rather prefer to be able to not worry so much and just let myself figure things out as the day goes on.

No matter how stressful life can be, this place will always be my home. It really does feel good to be back. Slipping back into this sense of familiarity feels like taking off your bra after a long day of working; in a word, amazing.

I now realize that this post was mostly just rambling... I promise there will be better things to come. 

Until next time,

 If you are on tumblr, you can follow me here!

Or if you prefer the more comedic content, you can follow me on twitter.